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Risks and information about laser eye treatments

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// Eye Laser Center PD Dr. med. Frings

The risks of laser eye surgery: What you should pay attention to

Laser eye treatments are considered secure and have high Success rates With the help of laser surgery, short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism can be treated in such a way that you, the patient, can live a life without glasses or contact lenses. However, as with any operation, laser eye treatment also carries certain risks, which our team at the PD Dr. med. Andreas Frings Eye Laser Center would like to explain to you in the following article.

// Eye Laser Center PD Dr. med Frings

Laser eye surgery risks:
Limitations of LASIK treatment

To determine whether you are a candidate for laser eye treatment, we first carry out a comprehensive eye examination. This involves checking how large your pupils are, what kind of visual impairment you have, whether you suffer from dry eyes and how thick your cornea is. Your general health, any medical history and any medication you may have been taking into account will also be taken into account in our assessment. On this basis, we then determine the best possible treatment method for your visual impairment. Choosing the right surgical method is crucial for successfully correcting your visual impairment. If SMILE or LASIK surgery is not possible, your visual impairment can be corrected using the PRK or LASEK method.


What is the difference between the different types of operations?

The most important difference is the way the cornea is opened to provide access for the laser. The thickness of the cornea is the deciding factor in choosing the right treatment method. Which procedure is best for you can only be determined after a thorough eye examination. For some patients, LASIK treatment is not suitable due to a very thin or irregularly shaped cornea. In these cases, PRK or the LASEK procedure is often used.


Risks and experience

Some medical conditions and anatomical features may increase the risk of adverse LASIK side effects or reduce the ability to achieve optimal results. These include:

  • Low tear fluid
  • High diopter values
  • Thin or irregular cornea
  • Very large pupils
  • Age
  • Autoimmune diseases

Since the introduction of laser eye treatments more than twenty years ago, several million people have been successfully treated. The eye laser center PD Dr. med. Andreas Frings has already more than 6,000 laser eye treatments Experienced ophthalmologists have proven that the complication rate is less than one percent. Patients with moderate to mild visual impairment and an average corneal thickness are best suited for LASIK treatment. In these cases, a treatment usually takes ten minutes per eye. The healing time varies between a few days and several weeks. After that, you can expect your vision to be fully restored. Complications can mostly be resolved with medication or another procedure.

// Start a life without glasses

Your advantages at the eye laser center PD Dr. med. Frings


Short-term appointments possible


Personal emergency contact around the clock


Individual support and care during and after laser surgery


Financing by installment payment possible


Experienced team led by PD Dr. Frings


Fulfilling the dream of a life without glasses

// Eye Laser Center PD Dr. med Frings

What problems can occur after laser eye treatment?

Minor complaints that often occur during the first few days after laser eye treatment include increased sensitivity to light and irritation. Dry eyes, blurred vision and reduced visual acuity can also be expected a few weeks after treatment, but these disappear within 3 to 6 months. Effects such as starbursts, halos and glare cannot be ruled out either, but are only short-lived.


Decrease in tear production

For some patients, a reduction in tear production is one of the undesirable effects of laser eye surgery. This often leads to the feeling of only being able to see blurry. Experience has shown that dry eyes after laser eye treatment are only temporary and can be easily treated by administering artificial tears. As soon as the healing process is complete, the symptoms disappear. However, patients who generally suffer from dry eyes are advised against laser eye treatment. Most people who believe they suffer from dry eyes do not actually have dry eyes. Rather, it is often an office eye syndrome, which is triggered, for example, by long periods of computer work or wearing contact lenses and is not a contraindication for laser eye treatment.


Eye infection

Infections rarely occur after LASIK eye treatment. Infections after LASIK treatment are particularly rare compared to PRK surgery, as the corneal flap acts as a natural bandage that protects the eye from germs. Nevertheless, the prescribed medical eye drops should be used exactly as directed in order to contain inflammation during the healing phase.


Regression, overcorrection or undercorrection

It is not always possible to restore full vision, which means that patients will continue to need glasses or contact lenses for certain activities. If the laser removes too little or too much corneal tissue, the treatment may not guarantee optimal vision. In rare cases, your eye may not heal as normal, which can lead to long-term impairment of vision. Some patients do not respond to laser eye treatment; in others, after initial success, the eye returns to its original visual impairment shortly after the operation. We are talking about regression here, but it can be treated very well with further laser surgery.


Rare flap complications

So-called flap complications are relatively rare and can be further minimized by choosing an experienced doctor. However, a small number of patients also have permanent problems after laser treatment. This can happen if the flap was not cut correctly during LASIK surgery. This cut is made on the surface of the cornea and the cornea is lifted during the treatment. The laser therefore reshapes the cornea. If the flap is not cut correctly, it may no longer connect properly to the surface of the eye after it is folded back, resulting in tiny wrinkles in the flap. This complication is the most common cause of distorted vision following laser eye treatment.


  • Epithelial ingrowth: If cells from the outer layer of the cornea grow under the flap after laser treatment, in most cases this is limited to a small area and does not cause any symptoms. However, in 1 to 2 percent of cases, problems such as blurred vision can occur. This may require another operation to lift the flap and free it of the epithelial cells. 
  • Irregular astigmatism: This is caused by an irregularly shaped corneal surface. However, irregular astigmatism can also be caused by laser correction that is not completely centered on the eye. It can also occur as a result of an unusual healing process. Symptoms include double vision or so-called "ghosting". In these cases, the eye may require surgery to improve it.  
  • Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK): This is an infection under the LASIK flap, which can have various causes. Small areas of inflammation on the cornea after laser eye treatment are normal. However, if they occur uncontrolled, as with DLK, they can impair the healing process. However, DLK is usually very easy to treat. In some cases, the flap may need to be lifted and cleaned to remove the infection.


Frequency of complications after laser treatment

Thanks to modern technology, both the effectiveness and safety of laser operations have improved continuously. While problems occurred in up to 5 percent of all treatments in the 1990s, today this only applies to less than 1 percent of patients. A global study on the LASIK procedure from 2009 showed that over 95 percent of the patients treated between 1995 and 2003 are satisfied with the results of their eye surgery.

If you would like to no longer have to rely on glasses and contact lenses due to poor eyesight, we would be happy to inform you about our laser treatment. Trust in the competence and expertise of Dr. Andreas Frings and his team. Find out what treatment methods exist and arrange a consultation. Appointmentto discuss the best procedure for your individual vision impairment.

When can you have laser eye surgery?

I'm nearsighted

I'm farsighted

I wear reading glasses

I have astigmatism

Make your appointment today!

Experience clear vision without glasses – make your appointment now at the laser eye center at one of our locations and let our competent team treat you!

Eye Laser Center Würzburg

Hofstrasse 10
97070 Wurzburg

+49 931 730 442 90
